Agent Friday: Barbara Doyen

After nearly three decades of agenting, Barbara Doyen has a few things to say. Her website contains links to dozens of articles designed for writers trying to learn the business of publishing and the craft of writing.

Doyen's agency, Doyen Literary Services, specializes in adult trade non-fiction. A quote from the website: "Barbara has authored many instructional materials for writers, including published articles, books and an audiotape series that was endorsed by James Michener. Her Write To $ell® seminars have helped many beginning and experienced authors to further their writing careers."

For writers who are just beginning the journey, Doyen has written a succinct article on the first steps. Write It Down, Make It Happen: How to make your dream of a writing career become a reality. Follow that one up with Get Published in the New Year, seven tips to get you on your way.

You're probably a voracious reader, but do you know all the parts of a book between the covers? Check to see what you know and what you're unfamiliar with in Anatomy of a Book: The Contents, and Anatomy of a Book: The Physical Parts.

Are you ready for the query process? Make sure to read Doyen's ten tips in When You Query an Agent.

Many writers are struggling with the decision of whether to self-publish or try a traditional publishing house. Check out Doyen's article Do I Have a Trade Book, or Should I Self-Publish? Other articles on this topic include eight questions to ask before you self-publish, and things to consider before starting your own publishing company.

There are dozens more articles on all aspects of writing and publishing on Doyen's Article Page. And her Books About Publishing page has lists of tips gleaned from some of her favorite books.

Want more Agent Friday? Click here.


  1. This a wonderful collection of practical resources. Thank you!

  2. You are so welcome, Janette! Glad you stopped by.

