Agent Friday: Lucienne Diver

You may not be in the market for an agent right now. But one of the best ways to improve as a writer is to listen to the advice agents give. If so, when you decide to shop for an agent, you'll be ready.

An agent for seventeen years, Lucienne Diver has sold over 700 books to every major publisher. She currently works with The Knight Agency, which has it's own group blog. And, she's a published author, to boot. Someone with that kind of experience should have solid tips for emerging writers. Let's check it out.

Are you ever confused about genres and subgenres? Diver takes the time to explain them all in Genres, Subgenres & Memes, Oh My!

In Diver's opinion, there are five important things that make a character unforgettable. Find out what they are in her column at Magical Musings.

Ever had trouble liking your own characters? Diver has. The main character in her two novels is so far apart from who she is, she needed to do something about it. And it made for a better character. Read all about it in Better Lives Through Fiction.

If you're considering using a pseudonym now, or in the future, you'll want to read Diver's four reasons for using a pseudonym.

Have you ever been hit by a story idea, but you know you don't have the time or the emotional energy to tackle it? Diver's been there recently. Read the story of her reluctant writing in A Happy Holidays Kick in the Pants. It just might inspire you.

The first pages of your story will gain you representation or rejection. Find out Diver's do's and don'ts of story beginnings.

And finally, Diver shares the three things every writer should know to maintain their sanity. Go ahead and check them out. They're really good. Especially number one.

Can't get enough agent advice? There's lots more here.


  1. Love article on dos and don't to a first chapter. Thanks for posting!

  2. Thanks, Deana. I need to reread that one from time to time.

