Agent Friday: Jennifer Laughran

Jennifer Laughran, an agent since 2007, is one of the agents at the illustrious Andrea Brown Literary Agency. She represents YA and middle grade authors, and also began a popular event series, Not Your Mother's Book Club!

Even if you don't write for children, there's a lot you can learn from Laughran's blog.

Have you ever needed to write a short bio for an article or anthology submission? If you have little or no publishing credits, it can be difficult to come up with something to say. Laughran explains what to write (and what NOT to write) in A Little Something About You.

As you learn more about the publishing world, specific vocabulary comes up that seems unfamiliar. Have you wondered about the differences between Frontlist, Backlist and Midlist? Do you believe everything you've heard about agents and editors? If so, check out Mythbusting 101 for the lies . . . and the truth.

As writers, we cringe at the prospect of being rejected. But agents get rejected, too. And not only by the publishers to whom they submit. They get rejected by us. Writers. Laughran compares it to a Beauty Contest, and details the decision making process writers wade through when *gasp* more than one agent is offering representation.

If you are rejected, and you're wondering if you're deluding yourself thinking your work is even publishable, read Laughran's post On Rejection. It may give you some hope.

Perhaps you've wondered if you'd make a good agent yourself. Many writers have chosen that career path instead of (or alongside) a writing career. To help decide, read How to be an Agent, or You Want a Piece of This?

Want to see great blog posts from more agents? Click here.

Got a favorite blogging agent? Leave their name in the comments, and I'll feature them in weeks to come.


  1. Another great list of links--thanks! I especially liked Jennifer's help with writing the bio :-)

  2. I know, I had to write one for an anthology, and I could have used her post!


  3. Thanks for this!
    A lot of the agents at Andrea Brown have awesome blogs. Another one is:

  4. You're right, Mayra. I highlighted the Kidlit blog a few months ago. Also had a chance to meet and pitch to Caryn Wiseman. A lovely lady.


  5. Having just found myself an agent I found this post very interesting and I will be looking further at your link to other agents' blogs. I have wondered about an agent being rejected; new writers, as I am, tend to put their agent and publisher on a pedestal but sometimes it isn't always necessary. I have fallen lucky (I think) that my agent is a beautiful person and is extremely supportive.

    Thank you for this post,
    CJ xx

  6. Congratulations on getting representation! You're right, we do hold agents in high esteem when they're human, probably because they're the gatekeepers of traditional publshing.

    Thanks for stopping by!

