Free Resources from Author Verla Kay

Verla Kay writes children's picture books. In rhyme. She's sold eleven of them so far, and they're wonderful. But another amazing thing about Verla Kay is the popular community she's created for writers. How popular? Try a million visitors per month.

That's right.

Twice named on Writer's Digest 101 Best Websites for Writers, the "blueboards" are worth checking out. Verla Kay's forum is geared toward writers and illustrators of children's books, from picture books to magazine articles to poetry. Most evenings, there are live chats where you can talk with other writers and illustrators, and visit with agents and editors who sometimes stop by.

But Verla Kay doesn't stop there. She has a blog with information geared toward children's writers (check out her series on how to do school visits). Her links page is filled with helpful links on writing, and research (Kay's books are historical).

I'm amazed at all she shares on her Writers & Illustrators page. You'll find links to her advice on Getting Started as a writer, and a huge page of Writers' Tips. There is information for published writers in Beyond the Basics and Helpful Resources. Kay has also designed her own comprehensive Character Chart for writers to take advantage of. And to top it all off, she offers free transcripts of dozens of writing workshops on a huge array of topics.

And she doesn't forget about her readers. Verla Kay has a special web page just for kids who like to write.

Next time you're in the library, take a detour to the children's section, and page through a few of her books. I guarantee her rhymes will make you smile.


  1. Thanks for the links, especially the "Webpage just for kids" link--one of my daughters loves to write!

  2. You're welcome, Jess. I just started teaching a novel-writing class for 8-12 year-olds today. The curriculum is fantastic--my students are so excited. You can check it out at

    Also, Nanowrimo has a Young Writers program. There's even a free ebook for elementary, middle school and high school. The link is
