Agent Friday: Scott Eagan

The majority of literary agents are located in the New York City area. But with the present age of instant communication, agents can work their magic from any location. Case in point: Scott Egan, of Greyhaus Literary Agency. This boutique agency is located in the Puget Sound region of Washington State.

Eagan has been an agent since 2003, and focuses his energies on romance writers and women's fiction. He's actively looking for new authors, so check out his submissions page for more information.

Scott Eagan blogs daily, and has an impressive list of blog posts on all kinds of writing and publishing topics that are worthwhile whether you write romance or not. Here are a few that caught my eye:

The State of Romance: Why are we settling for mediocrity?

When Your Plot Becomes Too Much

Are Your Characters Acting Normal?

Should I Write a Three-Book Series?

On editing: Worry About the Small Stuff

The Greyhaus site also has some great links that will especially appeal to romance writers. Check them out.

I'm leaving this morning for a local writer's conference. It's the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. I'm excited to spend the weekend with writers and illustrators, particularly my dear friend Lois Rosio Sprague. Check out her website for some amazing pictures.


  1. Thanks for being in my world. I have passed along to you, The One Lovely Blog award. You can check out and pick up the award at:

  2. Thanks so much, Anna! Glad to know you.

