The Power of Three

Not too long ago, on the tenth of the month, I gathered a collection of articles, each listing ten things writers needed to know. Wouldn't you know that the current issue of Writer's Digest did the same thing? (I have no illusions they got the idea from me, but they did a great job) Being the third of the month, let's pick some articles with three as their focus. Nice and succinct.

This grouping is by no means all that's out there. For these articles, I mined the vast array of blogs in my Google Reader. Do you use Google Reader? If you don't you're spending way too much time going from blog to blog.

First up.

How do you know you're ready to write full-time? Chip MacGregor lists three ways to know it's time.

Three stages of editing your work, from UK writer Nicola Morgan.

C. Patrick Schulze on what are the specific parts of a three-dimensional character. (thanks to Adventures in Children's publishing, who posts a list of best articles each week from around the web.)

The use of three asterisks in manuscript formatting, and more from Randy Ingermanson. Also from Randy, must you know your three-act structure?

Three critical tools every writer needs if they want to develop a speaking platform, from Seekerville.

Pimp My Novel gives the three things a book cover must do.

How a good scene is like a three-part joke, by Julie Bush.

From Highspot, the three-format future of books.

And finally, from agent Michael Larsen, three ways that writing your obituary will motivate your literary career.

Any other threes you'd like to share?


  1. Thanks for the links!

    Here's a GLA (Guide to Literary Agents)post on three things a debut author should know when signing with an agent:

  2. Looks like the link didn't work--you can also go to Google and type in: Barbara Poelle, Three things a debut author should know.

  3. Thank you, Jess. I'll check it out.

    I"m really loving your blog. If anyone wants to check out Jess's great writing blog, go to:

  4. I blogged about the power of three in writing last week. It's cross-posted on our critique group's blog, too. If you want my three cent's worth, you can find it here: :)

  5. I loved what you wrote. Thanks for the heads up!

