Free Resources from Author J. A. Konrath

I can't tell you how impressed I am with author J. A. Konrath. He is a best-selling, multi-published author, who gives back to new writers in huge ways. Want to benefit from his generosity?

Konrath's website is so chock-full of great information, I won't be able to cover it all here. But we'll at least get started. The author of the popular Jack Daniels series is a master at combining crime, comedy, and suspense. He also writes horror under the name Jack Kilborn.

He also happens to be starting a revolution in the publishing world. Konrath is shunning a traditional publisher for his next novel, and is releasing it through Amazon as a self-published title.

Sure, he's already got a large fan-base, but he's thought through the decision, and is already making far more money through Kindle versions of his books that traditional publishing brought in. Konrath's blog, A Newbie's Guide to Publishing, often has posts explaining the very latest news in the publishing world. His article on why he's releasing his next book on Amazon is must-reading for any of you that are considering the self-publishing route.

A Newbie's Guide to Publishing should find its way into your blog reader. This is valuable information. Konrath has even gathered 1000 pages of his best posts from the blog into a Kindle book that you can download for $2.99. Alternatively, you can check out a huge amount of his advice on his Tips on Writing page.

Also on Konrath's website:

An active forum, Joe's Place, where writers and readers can talk about Konrath's books, enter contests, and share with each other about writing and publishing.

A tremendous page of links to Korath's interviews, articles, and essays, plus links to great writing sites and author sites.

A page of freebies, and links to his inexpensive ebooks for sale.

Konrath received over 500 rejection letters from agents and publishers before he sold his first book, Whiskey Sour. So the words on his blog are true: "There's a word for a writer who never gives up . . . published."


  1. Thanks for the introduction to a new author (new to me- obviously he's been around awhile)--I've already checked out a few of the links!

  2. Glad to help! I've learned a lot from him already!

