Agent Friday: Ken Wright

This week's agent comes from the powerful Writers House (which happens to be the agency that reps Stephenie Meyer of Twilight fame). One reason I like Writers House is that the building they occupy in New York City is a wonderful historic spot, decorated just as a writer would like. If you troll the different pages of their website, you'll get the idea.

Back to Ken Wright. After working for two decades as a children's editor and publisher, he became an agent, who deals mainly with adult manuscripts, most of them non-fiction. He does sell a limited amount of juvenile fiction and non-fiction.

Ken blogs on the WeBook blog with three writer/author/teacher/editors. He pens the "Ask the Agent" column, which appears about once a week. If you've got a question for him, go ahead and ask it on the blog. Some of his posts I like:

Wright explains why he might reject a perfectly good query letter.

The top ten list of what agents do for authors.

If you're wondering how you can find a good agent, Wright has some great answers.

You finally get the call. An agent offers representation. What questions should you ask before you seal the deal?

An interesting feature of the WeBook blog is the page where writers can submit a first page or short story for review (there is a small fee). If your submission makes it through the three rounds of analysis, it might be read by a literary agent. Check it out at Page to Fame.

For more info on Ken Wright, check out the spotlight on the wonderful Literary Rambles.

Can't get enough of Agent Friday. There are lots more here.

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