Writer's Group: Poets & Writers

Poets & Writers is a magazine I hadn't come across before, and it's too bad. I found a wonderful magazine. Though I don't do a lot of poetry, leaning more to fiction, I found quite a bit of helpful information on the Poets & Writers website.

The organization that publishes the magazine and maintains the site bills itself as "the nation's largest nonprofit organization serving creative writers". They've been operating for 40 years.

The website offers a large array of information, which helps writers to discover if the magazine is a good fit for them. Some magazines give tidbits of articles to non-subscribers. Not so with Poets & Writers. Of the 15 articles listed in the latest issue, 10 are available for reading online.

My favorite section is the Tools for Writers page. Here, you'll find all kinds of links to great information. There's a list of grants and awards, in order of deadline, including writing contests. A database of literary magazines who might publish your work, with their contact information. A listing of small presses, publishers who are more nimble and open to new writers. Interested in pursuing further education? Poets & Writers has posted a list of MFA programs for you to check into. And they have links to articles on the "top ten topics for writers". There's even a link for job listings.

Besides all the articles and links they offer, Poets & Writers has a forum, the Speakeasy, where you can join other poets and writers to talk about the craft. With nearly 40,000 users, the conversations are varied and lively.

Check the P&W site also, for breaking news in the writing world, and to sign up for their free newsletter. There's also a multimedia page, where you can view or listen to video interviews, slide shows, and pod casts.

Here are a few Poets & Writers articles to get started:

Digital Digest: The Changing Economics of E-books

Literary New Orleans, Post-Katrina

Everything you need to know about Literary Magazines, from selection to submissions.

A crash course in Publishing a Book.

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