Free Online Magazine: Querypolitan

OK, this one's just for fun. As writers, there's so much stress over revision, writer's block, and querying, that we need a laugh now and then. So here it is: Querypolitan. The tongue-in-cheek writer's magazine that pokes fun at writing, while it copies the style of Cosmopolitan magazine.

Editor Taherah Mafi, began the free online magazine as a joke, but somehow it took on a life of it's own. Taherah, a 22 year-old graphic designer and writer, has stormed the blogosphere with her acerbic wit on TH.Mafi. If you like sarcasm, you're in for a treat.

Here's a rundown of a few of the articles (and remember, they are not to be taken completely seriously):

5 Things Agents Notice Instantly

4 Signs the Rejectionist is into You and/or Your Novel

What You Can Tell From a Novel's First Line

The Five Stages of Querying

50 Query Tricks (Are You Brave Enough to Try #43?)

What 81% of Agents Expect on the First Page

Did you laugh? See yourself in some of the articles? Don't worry, I didn't post all of them. There are more for you to check out.

So, every month when you're pounding your forehead against the keyboard, and you need to laugh at yourself, click on over to Querypolitan and take a break from taking yourself so seriously.


  1. hehe you are so sweet! thanks so much for all the linkage :D

  2. You are so welcome, Tahereh! It's been fun reading.
