Agent Friday: Rachel Zurakowski

Today's blogging agent is Rachel Zurakowski of Books and Such Literary Agency. I had the pleasure of meeting Rachel (actually, pitching to her) back in 2008.

Let me pause for a moment to share a tip I've learned. When you finish your first novel, never, never, never query an agent until you've had time to revise it through a good critique group. Which is exactly what I did with Rachel. (sorry!) Come back on Monday for the full and sordid story.

What does Rachel have going for her? She's a young agent with energy, and a great head for young adult and post-college age literature. She especially enjoys working with authors in their twenties and thirties, who write for their peers. Along with three fellow agents (one of them the famed Janet Kobobel Grant), she contributes to a blog called Between the Lines.

Some blog posts from Rachel that I especially like:

Tagging on Monday's post about a day in the life of an agent, Rachel shares what Mondays are like.

Are you in a writing rut? Can you even tell? Rachel talks about some writing ruts that authors are not aware of.

Has your manuscript been rejected? Or are you afraid it will be? Read Rachel's post of amazing success stories to see authors who didn't give up (and they didn't sit still, either).

For more about Rachel, check out the Books and Such website, and these interviews.

Interview on Seekerville.

Interview on Story Senei.

To read more Agent Friday posts, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the visit, Veronica! Love the title of your blog. What an interesting look into another culture!
