Agent Friday: Mandy Hubbard

Being an author is hard work. Ditto for being an agent. Not many hardy souls attempt both. Mandy Hubbard is one of them.

Mandy Hubbard has been writing for seven years (she started at age 20). It took five years of hard work before she sold her first book, Prada and Prejudice. That span of time falls right in line with Randy Ingermanson's article, Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Author.

And though her second book (You Wish--both with Razorbill) is realeasing next month, and she is busy writing more, Mandy Hubbard joined the D4EO Literary Agency this year. As if she doesn't have enough to do (did I mention she's a wife and mother?).

Figuring that I, at least could learn something from such a hard-working woman, I checked out her blog and website. I love the quote at the top of her blog:
A published author is an amateur who didn't quit. Don't quit.

Mandy sure didn't quit. Some great posts from Mandy, who though she live in Washington, is even now pounding the steamy streets of New York City (my hometown) working magic as an agent:

Why pre-published authors should treasure their time before publication (and why it's ok to hate it, too).

The process of a book (a primer for newbies), explained from writing to holding a finished book in your hands.

How agent Mandy ponders whether to take on a manuscript. Important points every writer should think through.

Mandy shares her brainstorming process, and how ideas are like snowballs.

For more about Mandy Hubbard, check out her submission guidelines, and this interview with Cynthia Leitich Smith. Can't get enough Agent Friday posts. There are lots more here.


  1. Ok, now this is the kind of thing I'm looking for! What a great site..

  2. Debbie - love this post, and love the encouraging words!! Thanks for sharing your resources, you are a rockin' writin' Mama.

    Peryl (MBC)

  3. Thanks so much, you guys. I'm glad to share what's been helpful to me.

