Free Resources from Bob Mayer

It amazes me that after writing over 40 books, an author remembers what it's like to be just starting out, and gives away some of their hard-earned knowledge. Bob Mayer is an author like that.

Besides graduating from West Point, and staying busy with a career in Special Forces, Mayer has embarked on a second career--writing bestselling novels, books on writing, and engaging in an active speaking schedule. Just reading his bio makes me tired.

Let's take a look at Bob Mayer's website. He's got a great blog, with some good information from his Warrior Writer seminar. There are links to his writing workshops and online classes, and you can subscribe to Mayer's newsletter.

But my favorite page is his Writing Tips page. There's a free chapter to download from his Novel Writer's Toolkit. You can click on videos of several of Mayer's talks, like How to Write the Dreaded Synopsis, and Pitching an Editor/Agent. And then there are more than a dozen downloadable articles focusing on writing mistakes and solutions.

If you want even more from Bob Mayer, head over to the Writer's Digest homepage and sign up for their free newsletter (very worthwhile on its own). The signup gives you a free copy of Mayer's 128-page ebook, 70 Solutions to Common Writing Mistakes. The seventy solutions are divided among sections like writing habits, plot, scene & structure, editing & rewriting, selling your work, and the publishing business. The signup is on the lefthand side.

Looking for more author resources? Click on resources at the right.


  1. Thanks for the post!
    I didn't know Writer's Digest was doing-- so that's good.

  2. I'm surprised they didn't let you know! But it's an excellent book. Thanks for your generosity!
