Writer's Groups: Absolute Write

Our next writer's group is a very active one. Absolute Write is called "the one-stop home for professional and beginning writers". It doesn't matter if you write fiction or nonfiction, or if you do screenplays, freelance writing or copywriting. You'll find what you need at Absolute Write.

On the website, you'll find a blog with articles about all kinds of writing, plus information on editing, agents, and what is going on in the market. There are links to classes you can take (for a fee), and a list of recommended resources.

But by far the best part of Absolute Write are the forums, called the Water Cooler. This is a highly active online community of writers and publishing professionals who gather to talk about everything related to the written word. And it's free.

You don't have to register to read the forums. But if you plan to post a response, here's the link to register.

The Water Cooler has threads on numerous types of fiction and non-fiction writing. Other threads cover different genres, publishing topics, the specifics of freelance writing, and many more. Interested in flash fiction, song writing, or just brainstorming your new story idea? You'll find it at the Water Cooler.

If you're curious about the published works by Absolute Write members, you'll find them listed by genre in the AW Library.

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