All About Book Trailers

Because a friend of mine asked a question about book trailers, I decided to resurrect this post from the past, with a few new additions. Enjoy!

We all love movie trailers. They provide a sneak peek into an upcoming movie, often giving the viewer a sense of whether the film will be a must-see, a might-see, or a no-see. Books have trailers, too. It's a growing trend, though the jury is still out as to whether they translate into more books sold.

If you'd like to see a few book trailers, you can type "book trailer" into YouTube's search box, or go to a book trailer site, like this one. Alternatively, check out the websites, blogs and Facebook pages of your favorite authors.

You do need to be careful about using your own photos, or copyright free photos. This site has information on how to find them.

There are many companies and individuals who are happy to make a book trailer for you. However, the cost will be anywhere from $3000 to $10,000. Here is a list of resources if you'd like to make one on your own. If you're not ready for a trailer yet, bookmark this page for the future.

Writer's Digest's article on how to create a book trailer.

A how-to site with 31 links to other book trailer information.

Simple instructions on eHow.

An article on Suite 101.

Making a trailer with Windows Movie Maker.

Making a trailer with iMovie.

Making a trailer with PhotoStory 3.

Forty-five links about book trailers.

A how-to on agent Nathan Bransford's blog (also using Movie Maker).

And finally, a YouTube video how-to.

Instructions from romance author Brenda Coulter.

And here's a new idea: how about a pitch trailer? That would be something to send agents or editors to explain the idea of your story. Amanda Luedecke explains the benefits of pitch trailers, book trailers and vlogs.

Do you have a favorite example of a book trailer? Maybe even your own? Post a link in the comments. Do you think you'd ever make one yourself, or hire someone else? Is there truly a direct benefit to trailers, or will you choose another avenue for your marketing dollars?


  1. I just learned about book trailers last weekend at the annual American Society of Journalists and Authors conference! Fabulous idea.

  2. Thanks, Jennifer. I hadn't heard of that conference, but I'll look into it. I attended a different one last weekend.

  3. Thanks for re-posting this, Debbie! I have a lot of work to do, researching and learning about good book trailers. I'll bookmark this post and come back as I can. :)

  4. Can't wait to see how the trailer comes out, Shelley. In case you're interested, my friend Holly's husband has been thinking about trying out trailers (he's in the video business). He'd probably need some authors to practice on!


  5. Great stuff here, Debbie! Never gave audio books much of a thought, as I love reading - but this IS a great way to reach a new audience. Thanks for the links. God bless!

  6. You're very welcome, Maria! Thanks for stopping by.

