Christian Fiction Online Magazine

If you're a fiction writer, Christian Fiction Online Magazine is one publication you've got to read. Writer's Digest is great, but it's pricey. This one is free.

CFOM comes out monthly. It boasts interviews with top Christian authors, and columns by top agents and authors and publishers on every angle of writing. From marketing and publicity to genre news and book reviews. They even publish two short stories each month.

And this is the exciting part: my short story, "After" is included in this month's issue! Check it out here. I'd love to know what you think. And sign up for email alerts on the magazine's home page. That way you won't miss a single issue.


  1. Hi Debbie,
    I read your story. I am able to breathe normally again. Thanks for that awesome creative reminder of forgiveness' power!

  2. Thank you so much, Will. It was tough to write, too.

  3. Congrats! Great story :)

    I could not find their submission guidelines anywhere on the site. Maybe I've been doing too much studying, but where did you find them? Thanks!

  4. Thank you! I just sent an email to Bonnie Calhoun, the editor, and asked if they had room for more stories. Give it a try!

  5. Awesome! I haven't submitted anything anywhere in YEARS, so I feel so out of practice.

