It Begins . . .

In a Land Far, Far Away
Once up on a time, there was a girl who loved to write. Her teachers encouraged her, and she thought it would be wonderful to write a book someday. Then she went to college, got married, and had four children in 5 years. Writing took a backseat.

Her children developed multiple chronic health problems. She began homeschooling, helping with a single-parent support group, and volunteering in MOPS. Besides writing the MOPS newsletter, she barely wrote more than her signature when doing the bills.

Many Years Pass
Years later, when her children became teenagers, they expressed an interest in writing. The mom began to research the best ways to help them become better authors. In the process, she practiced some of what she learned, the better to help her children.

Lo and behold, the mom rediscovered how much fun she had writing! This was different from scrapbooking or sewing or cooking, which while fun, were also really done for the family. What a novelty--an enjoyable activity for pure pleasure.

The mom also discovered that encouraging other writing moms (and writing teens) energized her in the same way. She found so many helpful sites and groups on the internet, that she decided to share the wealth with other moms. 

But her sneakiest reason for finding other writing moms was to answer her own burning question: how do other homeschooling moms find(or make) any time to write, except for-- writing while the rice boils? 

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